Environment Set Up and Installation


  • Ubuntu

  • Docker

  • VS Code

  • VS Code Extension: Dev Containers

  • VS Code Extension: Docker

  • VS Code Extension: Live Server

Create project from template

  1. Click on the green button “Use this template” on GitHub.

  2. Open VS Code and clone the repository.

  3. Set up your docker configuration files:

    • check your Dockerfile

    • check your .devcontainer.json

      • mount your local/network folders

      • define vscode extensions

  4. Build a new docker image using the Dockerfile:

    # build docker image
    docker build .
    docker build -t <image-name>:<image-tag> .
    # list docker images
    docker images
    # enter docker image
    docker run -it <image-id>
    # remove docker image
    docker rmi <image-id>
  5. Start your docker container using VS Code

    • open the project folder in VS Code

    • open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)

    • select “Dev Containers: Reopen in Container” –> this uses the .devcontainer.json file to start the container

  6. Install your local package

    cd src
    pip install -e .
  7. Install pre-commit and linters outside your container using pipx

    pipx install pre-commit
    pipx install black
    pipx install black
    pipx install ruff
    pipx install pyment

    ** pre-commit** checks certain actions before committing changes to your repository. The list of actions that are executed are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

    • Install pre-commit: pipx install pre-commit

    • Enter into your git repository and install the hooks: pre-commit install (optional, but recommended)

    • de-activate pre-commit:

      • delete or comment out the lines in .pre-commit-config.yaml

      • pre-commit uninstall

      • pre-commit clean

Your Environment is now set up and ready to go! Next set up your project.

Create project from scratch

Setup Kedro Project using venv. Follow the instructions from Kedro’s official documentation.

  1. Create Kedro project directory:

    mkdir kedro-geospatial && cd kedro-geospatial
  2. Create and activate a new virtual environment

    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install Kedro inside the venv

    pip install kedro
    # check installation
    kedro info
  4. Create a new Kedro project

    kedro new
  5. Install the project dependencies

    cd %project_name%
    pip install -r src/requirements.txt
  6. Install Docker pluging for Kedro

    kedro plugin install kedro-docker
  7. Create a Dockerfile

    kedro docker init
  8. Edit the Dockerfile to meet your project needs

    • replace base image from python:3.8-slim-buster to osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-latest

    ARG BASE_IMAGE=osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-latest
    FROM $BASE_IMAGE as runtime-environment
    • remove user creation from Dockerfile

    • update workdir to vscode workspace

    • ensure that data is not copied to the docker image

  9. Build docker image

    –> creates .devcontainer.json file

    kedro docker build -t name:tag
  10. Update your .devcontainer.json file to you personal config settings

    • mount your local config and data folder

    • define vscode extensions

    Example: template.devcontainer.json

  11. Start your docker container using VS Code

    • open the project folder in VS Code

    • open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)

    • select “Dev Containers: Reopen in Container” –> this uses the .devcontainer.json file to start the container

  12. Install your dependencies

    • install using pip (no venv is necessary as docker is isolated)

    • update requirements.txt pip freeze > src/requirements.txt

  13. Close the container

    • open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)

    • select “Dev Container: Reopen Folder locally”

  14. Set up sphinx documentation

    • see kedro docs

    • open container

    • backup your docs folder created by kedro

    • delete /docs/source/conf.py and /docs/source/index.rst

    • init sphinx (separate source/build folders)

    sphinx-quickstart docs
    • replace conf.py and index.rst with your backuped files.

    • init module docstring documentation

    sphinx-apidoc --module-first -o source ../src/<package_name>
    • from docs folder run pip install -e ../src

  15. Make sphinx compatible with GitHub Pages

    • medium blog

    • update BUILDDIR to ../docs in make.bat and Makefile

    • add .nojekyll file to docs folder

    • build html: make html

            |-- conf.py
            |-- index.rst
    • open docs/index.html in browser

      • right click on index.html and select “Open with Live Server”

  16. Init Git Repository and Publish to Github

  17. Publish Sphinx Documentation to GitHub Pages optional, you can also publish from main

    • create a new branch gh-pages

    • add docs/build/html to .gitignore

    • add docs/build/html to gh-pages branch

    • commit and push changes to gh-pages branch

    • go to GitHub > settings > Pages

      • select gh-pages branch as source for GitHub Pages

      • select docs/ as folder

    • open https://<username>.github.io/<project_name>/ in browser

Your Environment is now set up and ready to go! Next set up your project.