Project Set Up
outside container (git not installed in container)
Set up linting and pre-commit hooks:
make codestyle
to run black, isort and ruff.make pre-commit
to run pre-commit on all files.
Run pre-commit hooks and commit your changes:
git add .
to add all files to the staging area.make pre-commit
to run pre-commit on all files.git commit -m "commit message"
to commit your changes.
How to use pre-commit:
In case you executed pre-commit install
, pre-commit
hooks will be executed each time you will try to commit (git commit
). If any of the checks fail or if any files that is going to be committed is changed (because a tool refactored or cleaned it), the commit will fail.
The suggested method to use pre-commit
is to run it before trying to commit your changes, using pre-commit run -a
. You can run this command multiple times, to check if the changes are ready to be committed.
After all the tests succeeded, the changes can be staged (git add
) and committed.
Note: Solely install pre-commit in the standard distribution, not in the miniconda distribution or project-specific poetry environment.
inside container
Set up the Kedro configuration files:
check your data catalog:
set your credentials:
–> rename to credentials.yaml, do not commit to git!!check your logging configuration: `conf/base/logging.yaml``
Run the tests:
# test kedro installation kedro info # run kedro tests from project root pytest
Run and visualize the Kedro Pipeline
kedro run kedro viz
This will output the error message below and open an empty kedro viz instance. ValueError: Pipeline contains no nodes after applying all provided filters